Add New Briefing

Add New Briefing

Field Description
Heading The title of the briefing, max. 50 characters..
Content Free text which can be formatted using the menus.
File Drop Up to 5 files can be uploaded here; e.g. .pdf, Word, Excel. Max 50M per file.
Available Departments Selection of the departments to which the briefing should be addressed. With a click, the department moves to the right-hand window and is thus selected. Deselect by clicking in the right window.
Coverage The group of people at the selected departments to whom the briefing is to be addressed.
Valid From First day of validity of the briefing. For "Daily Briefings" the day of validity.
Valid To Last day of the briefing's validity.
Unlimited When activated, the briefing applies UFN (until further notice).
Daily Briefing Briefing valid on a specific day. It is deleted from the server after a week including all content.
Ideal for the shift supervisor to brief the day's shift employees.
Priority Mandatory briefings must be read. Shift supervisors will be notified of unread mandatory briefings. Informative briefings may be read.

Compulsory Briefings and Daily Briefings are displayed to the shift supervisor on the dashboard of the employee concerned, provided they are within their validity.
This only applies if the supervision has selected the current day.

A briefing can be added by users who are within the administrator, planner and supervisor authorization groups.

If a briefing is not addressed to a department, it can still be sent to individual people in the "Manage Briefing" area.

The briefings are addressed to the groups of departments according to your selection. Each recipient is extracted individually from the selected areas for addressing. So if an employee is added to the department during a valid briefing, s/he is not in the group of recipients.
For redirecting, the item "Forward" can be selected in the "Manage briefing" area of the relevant briefing.

A published briefing can no longer be modified. Since published briefings can be read instantly after publication, there is a risk of misinformation by modifying a briefing.
If a briefing has been published incorrectly, the status can be set to expired in the "Briefing Management" area by clicking on the clock symbol. There, the briefing can also be deleted.