Manage Briefings


Informative Briefing

Mandatory Briefing, before it becomes valid.

Mandatory Briefing, once it is valid.

Daily Briefing. Valid only on the selected (current day). Mandatory to read.

Info Area

The first three symbols The first three symbols indicate the following when hovering the mouse cursor:

  • the briefing creator
  • the addressed authorization groups
  • the addressed departments / units

Clicking the blue user symbol opens a window which shows all users to whom the briefing was addressed. Users who have marked the briefing as read are highlighted in green.

Action Area

  • By clicking the "Forward" symbol, this briefing can be sent to any user in any department.
  • Clicking the "Clock" symbol expires a briefing that is still valid.
  • Clicking the "Delete" symbol deletes the briefing including all data and files!

Briefings can be managed by you if you created them yourself, or if they were addressed to a department where you are the administrator, planner or supervisor.

Since deleting briefings is a very sensitive matter, briefings can only be deleted by the Administrator authorization group.

It is not possible to modify published briefings. A wrongly published briefing can be marked as expired with the clock symbol and then deleted by an administrator.